"So what?" you may ask.
I ask the same thing to myself.
It's funny. There are times when my subconscious asks questions that I can't understand. Such questions like "Why are you born?" or "Where did you exist before birth?" flap out from the little Jimini Cricket inside my brain.
Existence. It's a subject all of us are familiar with. Questioning it is also common, but questioning your own existence is as rare as a rainbow moon. One of my roommates, Jerome (woo, special mention!), doubt his existence sometimes. Sometimes, he thinks, and I concur, that we might not be who we are right now in the long run. For example, I could be Rowan Zurich right now, but I might be Jerome the next day.
Freaky mind games.
Existence. Sure, we all know of it. We even commemorate it. I call it celebrating "Existence Commemoration"!
Fine, to put it short, to make sense of all those mumbo jumbo I said, I'll cut it straight.
My birthday is less than 50 days away.
Yep, February 28 is about 42 days away. And, as I've been doing for the past 5 years, I constructed a wishlist. (Again with the wishes.)
So, hereth be my wishes for ye new birthday:
10. Yugi-Oh! Chaos Duel Disk
I already have the original Duel Disk, but I want this limited edition version. At least when I duel someone, we can both have Duel Disks.9. guitar lessons
It's hard to be a self-proclaimed rockstar without knowing how to rock. Simple logic, duh. Ergo, need to learn to play the guitar.8. Yugi-Oh! Spellcaster's Judgement Structure Deck
I want this deck!! It's been long since I wished for this!
7. Yugi-Oh! Tag Force 2 for PSP
I want to play with Destiny Heroes!!!
6. High School reunion
It's been about more than 5 months since I saw all of my classmates. A reunion would ease up my nostalgia.
5. Guitar Hero for PS3
It would be nice to have an arcade game in my house. Rocking would be easier!!
4. MP3 player
To stop the silence in LB. I get bored there, and listening to music might get the edge off.
3. more REMS time
Eira! Mikki! Sandy! I miss you guys (well, as a group. Individually, not so much.) Mini-Stop looks all the more homey when you guys are with me.
2. Fall Out Boy concert tickets
Even though it's on a Friday the 13th, I still wanna go. FOB is one of my inspirations in rocking out. NOTE: if you are gonna get me this gift, get it before Feb. 13. Advanced Birthday present. =)
1. a laptop
It would be nice to blog everywhere, even in UP. And I want to vlog!!!
So there. Feel free to get me these. =)
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