For my second episode of the Brain Siphoning Series, watch this video from Smosh. They're my favorite Youtubers. The video, though, is mostly screamo music, but there are subtitles, so no problem identifying what they're saying.
DON'T READ FURTHER UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN THE VIDEO. Or else you wouldn't relate to some of the things I'm telling you.
I found this video while talking to Brandon in YM. He's been worried about the news he found out. He found out that percentage of teen pregnancy in the Philippines is rising. He asked me to confirm, and regrettably, I can't rebuke the info. About 16.5 million people in the Philippines belong to the 15-24 age group, and 30% (!!!) of all births belong to this age (see here for more info). Brandon asked me if virginity is still common in here, and that I can proudly say yes at. However, what we talked about was a really serious problem.
The video, however funny ("Eew, gross! What are you, some kind of sick, werewolf freak?!"), poses a great message. Teens today are too exposed to sex and such stuff, but they are lacking the conscience or mindset that should stop them from taking the path straight to it. That's why Sex Ed, I believe, is very important.
Teens are, as the adults say, fickle-minded, impatient, and rash. Only a select number of people have complete self-control. The unfortunate others without the said control tend to be allured by the concept of doing the act. They are ignorant of the fact that after the act may come the 9 months of agonizing pregnancy (yes, even the guys suffer through it through working and caring for their girlfriend) and then the pain of delivery. If they withstand it, another thing which will meet them is the most challenging phase in a person's life: parenthood.
All of these will really be a part of everyone's life, but having them early is not good. There's a readying stage before you do these things. There's also the matter of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). AIDS is an STD, and you could die from it.
There's no need to hurry, guys. The act is only done because of love and readiness, which are also what your motives should be. As my friends Amiel and Sandy say, "true love waits, no matter how long it takes".
So, here's me saying "WAKE UP, FELLOW TEENS!! Get off your boyfriend's/girlfriend's bed and live a life before making one!"
Labels: BS series