Or, at least, a longer-than-my-usual-posts post.
But, my hands are weary, so I'll cut this post into bite-sized pieces. I divided them into "episodes" of a series called Brain Siphoning (BS).
So, I'll start with a TAG.
Joyce tagged me so I'm supposed to do this. Can't say I don't like doing this, though
1. Each blogger starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. Bloggers who are tagged need to blog about their own 10 random facts/ habits.3. At the end of your blog, tag 10 people and list their name.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.
Here are the ten facts (they're kinda silly):
1. I normally throw up after eating oatmeal.
2. My fastest record in solving a Rubik's cube is 1 minute, 43 seconds (yes, I'm slow).
3. Whenever I can, I wear two watches. One is set in Manila time, one is set in California time.
4. I don't make New Year's resolutions. I develop New Year's habits, though, such as devoting to one LSS per week (this past week, it was "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" because it was rainy).
5. My favorite singer for now is Jason Mraz.
6. Dragonflies fascinate me.
7. It would be a weird sight when you see me walking my dog Murdock. He's a Jack Russell terrier, which means he doesn't grow much. He's only about 2 feet long. And I'm already 5'10. Talk about not matching.
8. It takes me about 25 minutes to think about what to write in my blog. That's just the thinking part. The writing part lasts for about 1 hour.
9. Silence scares and panics me. That's why I surround myself with sounds of songs and harmonies a lot.
10. I don't have tear ducts anymore. Danna removed them.
There. I won't tag anyone since they don't do it anyway.
Labels: BS series