When was the last time I posted??
I dunno, but I'm not concerned bout that anymore. I will just blog...
Gen tagged me, so here goes.
RULES (or, so how I remember them.)
1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged needs to write ten things about their selves and post these rules . you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names .
4. Don`t forget to leave them a comment telling them they`ve been tagged and to read your blog .
1. I usually sing in echo-ey rooms, such as the bathroom, the speech lab, and cliffsides.
2. I do not eat bagoong, gravy, and patis.
3. Heights creep me, but my dad is a pilot.
4. Dunkin' Donuts over Mister Donuts
5. One of my "before I die" goals is to go to all the Disneylands in the world.
6. I never ever get tired underwater, but when I get out of the water, I go clumsy.
7. I am a sociologist by nature.
8. I am a BS Development Communication student who wants to get Math electives.
9. I will graduate college at 19 years old.
10. I normally lose pens 2 weeks after I aquire them.
I tag CJ, Eira, Mabu, Ms. Anne, Jerome, Danna, Joyce, Cheewee, Donn (if he's still alive in blogspot), and Abby.