Actually, this post is a few days late. About 18 days late, to be exact.
My blog turned 1 year old last December 1, 2008. And to think that before, I never stuck to one blog. Now, lookit! It's full of stuff, I have readers, and I've had a journal for at least one year now!
And check out the new title and layout. I adapted the subtitle from the Tyra Banks show beginning (reproach me all you want. This is my blog). I also like the robot layout. Looks childlike and modern. Thanks, Pannasmontata!
My friends, it is time to turn anew. I'll post more in this blog, as I have in this past year. I'm starting the third season (which explains the III) of "A Frustrated Writer + A Blog = Mayhem". (Second season was this past year. The first season was the series of unfinished blogs I never committed to keeping alive.) An all new series of posts coming at you!!
Watch Out, World! Here's Rowan!!!!
woow ryan! happy birthday to your blog! tagal na pala ng blog mo ah? ;) nice new theme! love it. :)