Whoa. First semester's almost over. One (or one and a half) week to go!
I was bloghopping, and I saw in one post in Danna's blog mentioning that their sembreak's almost come. Well, our last day of classes is scheduled on Oct. 10, which is incidentally UPLB Loyalty Day, so I guess there's not much classes then. Still, prefinals are coming!
In UPLB, there's an online registration system called SystemOne. It's where you register for your subjects for next semester. I've been warned that, in SystemOne, there's a race in getting slots for each subject. So it's a good thing I got complete subjects already. Here's my tentative sched:
7:00AM - 8:30AM SPCM 1 - Speech Communication
10:00AM - 11:00 AM ECON 11 - General Economics
2:30PM - 4:00PM NASC 7 - Animals in Human Society
4:00PM - 5:00PM ECON 11 - General Economics (recitation class)
8:30AM -10:00AM HUM 1 - Literature, Man, and Society
10:00AM - 11:00AM DEVC11 - Introduction to Mass Media Writing
11:30AM - 1:00PM NASC 5 - Environmental Biology
4:00PM - 7:00PM DEVC 11 - Introduction to Mass Media Writing (recitation class)
same as Tuesday, but without the 4pm recitation class on ECON 11
same as Wednesday, but witout the grueling 3-hour recitation class on DEVC 11
I really don't like Wednesdays. My classes last until 7pm! Oh come on!! DEVC 11 recitation class goes fo0r 3 hours straight!! It's a good thing my dorm is just a minute's walk from CDC...
On the other hand, I like the distribution of breaks. Ample 3 hours everyday, and I get to go home earlier on Fridays. Whoopee!!
Ah, sembreak, when art thou cometh?