Whoa, I'm really glad to be blogging again. UP classes, while being fun and interesting, demand lots of my time and work. And what better way to unwind my full-to-brim brain than blogging.
So, here's a summary of what happened to me these past three weeks:
1. I've been formally studying in UPLB for the past three weeks already,
2. I've met new friends (Betong, Dane, Nikos, Butch, Ynic, Eira, Amiel, Kuya Teejay, Kuya Pepito, Lyka, Mariel, Kevin, Joseph, Kuya Dan, Allan, Christian, Jai, Mon, Divine, Pam, Keean (i don't know if that's really how you spell it), Anton, Marc, Aika, Elizelle- should I go on?),
3. I've been to new college classes (MATH 11, NASC 3 (my favourite one so far), HUM 2, PHLO 1, SOSC 1, DEVC10, PE1, LTS 1)
4. I've been living in a dorm in Los Baños for two weeks now.
5. I've seen Miley's "Best of Both Worlds Concert in 3D" without 3D glasses, and seen it in 2D about four times already.
6. I've developed a liking for Jason Mraz's songs.
Dang. I've had such a huge culture shock there. Everything about me really was shaken. My manners, my beliefs, my fandom (Eira is a Jonas fan, and I'm a Miley fan. Go figure), and my reality were tested on the cold, hard conditions of college.
And yet I can't expound on my ideas right now. It's so hard to let them all out. There's so many of them that the way out of my brain is jammed with them. Maybe listening to Miley's songs will loosen my noodle up...