I can't organize my thoughts clearly right now, so I can't create a decent paragraphic post, so here's a survey I fetched in Friendster from my great ex-adviser, Ms. Anne.
1. Book you read?
- Twilight by Stephenie Mayer
2. Song you listened to?
- (oddly) Burnin' Up by the Jonas Bros.
3. Person that texted you?
- Tita Maricar, with her usual quotes of inspiration
4. Person that you texted?
- Aika. Is there anybody else?
5. Person that called you?
- Mom (wow. surprising..)
6. Last thing you said out loud?
- KAINIS! (nakopya ko na yata kay Danna..)
7. People you were in the car with?
- Dad, when he was driving me to LB.
8. Thing you regret you did?
- Not regretting that I did not do what I wanted to do when I was almost doing it. Gets?
9. Happy thought?
- that no one can read my mind. bwahahahaha!!
10. Thing thatupset you?
- Math. No offense, and I don't intend to brag, but can't it be a lot more complicated?! It's too easy, to the point that it's boring.
1. Listening to?
- That Green Gentleman by Panic! At the Disco
2. Mood?
- ecstatic, malevolent, willful, and amazingly INSPIRED. (yet I can't do a simple blog entry.)
3. Thought?
- I should tell her. She asked.
4. Doing?
- Stuff. Lots of stuff. Don't ask me to enumerate.
5. Anything you want to do?
- Go to Men's Dorm (intentions cannot be stated here.)
6. Something you want to say to someone?
- Yes, but I want her to be the first to hear it.
7. Looking forward to anything?
- NASC3 tomorrow. Oh wait, I don't have Nasc3 tomorrow. D'oh!
--Have You Ever--
1. Googled somebody?
- Yup.
2. Who?
- Danna, then myself.
3. Been stung by a wasp?
- Not that I remember.
4. Purposely hurt yourself?
- Haha. Of course. I'm masochistic.
5. Loved 2 people at one time?
- It depends on what the definition of "love" is.
6. Pretended to be someone you're not?
- Sadly, yes. Originality did not strike me that day.
7. Danced around naked?
- Why in the innocent, all-seeing, and all-critical eye of the world will I do that?!
8. Done illicit things in a movie theather?
- what's illicit first?
--Would You--
1. Shave your head?
- I have. It's acceptable naman, since I am a guy.
2. Write your own song and sing it on stage?
- I have, but I never got to the singing part.
3. Travel across the world to be with your loved one for one day?
- Of course. It's automatic.
4. Rather be someone's hero or have a hero of your own?
- Be someone's hero, but I want to be a vampire werewolf (dang, Twilight has really got to me.).
5. Rather lead or follow?
- Lead if no one is idiotic enough to do it.
6. Rather be the brain or the brawn?
- No contest. Brain!
7. Rather be single and alone or in a relationship with someone?
- Be single for a while. There are benefits I can't have without my single status...
Be still, friends. A post will come, when I'm ready. 'Til then, we part!