Here's a scary but slightly funny, weirdly cheering, and totally unexpected thought: I'M EVOLVING.
Oh great. Butterflies on my blog. Stupid evolution. Next thing you know, there'll be girls' songs in the background (*winkwink*).
Yeah, I'm going out of my "primitive" self (which, when I think about it, is not really th "metamorphosis" concept) and becoming a new person. My transformation at UPLB is still ongoing, but you can clearly see the changes already.
For example, in the past, you'll never see me in the park chatting with a girl. Well, that's what I did yesterday. I was at the Carabao Park (the park in front of the College of Devcom in UPLB) with Eira and Mikki (he's a guy, though) talking about Disney Channel stuff and Harry Potter. But then Mikki left, so I talked with Eira for a long time alone. She's a Jonas fan, and I'm a Miley fan (hey, I already said this in one of my posts), so we get along well. Then Rut and her blockmate came as well, so intros were done. After that, I had to go to class.
Another example is my time awareness. Before college, I never really pay attention to time, because I do not have to change classrooms between subjects anyway. Now, I have to rise extremely early and walk to my first class, then I have to be conscious about the time so that I could estimate whether I'm running late or not. Attendance and tardiness is such a big thing to these people. Sigh, I just wish I could go back to the time when punctuality is nothing but an aspiration for me.
Yet another change is my "social life". Before, my social life consisted of only Kevon and Brandon, my two bestfriends. Sure, my classmates also became my friends, but I felt uneasy with them (just a little bit). But I never hanged out with most of them frequently. Not like today, for instance. I have a lot of new friends in UPLB now, and I mostly hang out with them during breaks or after school. My blockmates are all friendly, and my classmates from different subjects aren't bad as well.
There's so much that has changed in me since I got into UP. So, the philosophical question for this post:
Am I still Rowan?