This week's been pressured on me. This week is when I take the Advanced Placement Exam in UP Los Banos.

Well, as I said, I'm taking the Advanced Placement Exam (APE). I don't mean to brag, but it's an invitational exam which only accepts students who scored 90% or more in the UPCAT. When I score high in it, I can skip subjects. I get credits on subjects I take the test on and skip it. Awesome, right?
So far, I only finished English 1. I took the English test this morning. Tomorrow, I'll do a full day in UPLB to take Mathematics 11, Natural Science 1, and History 1. On Friday, I'll take History 11 and Humanities 1.
I've been studying a lot. This is one of the things I hate, studying things I already know. Reviewing is not working on me. Usually, I just read on the day of the exam (of course, when the lessons are taught to me, I listen. That's the key on my technique.). I usually forget things I review if I read them the night before the exam. It's how I am.
One thing has happened to me. One thing that just altered my life. Really, really BIG impact.
I fell in love. Yes, I'm lovestruck again. Who's the girl??

Destiny Hope Cyrus. Yes, I know.

Also known as Miley Cyrus. My Miley!!

Mostly known as Hanna Montana!!! The normal girl/pop star!!
See? Here's a picture of us!! I met her at Disneyland!
Ok, I confess. That pic with me in it is edited. I spent some time (long time, to be specific) putting Miley into a picture of mine. So sue me.
Wait, don't sue me. It's a blog anyway. I can freely express here.
Yeah. I've been struck by Cupid even though it's not Valentine's Day (hey, that's an unusualness in itself) just as I was watching Hanna Montana on Disney Channel. Darn you, Cupid!!
I dunno. I just had this condition (I would normally call it a sickness when I refer to other people having this, but since it's me, I won't) last Monday. It actually started with a daydream that played in my mind when my mom asked me what I think I would be after 10 years or so.
Maybe it's my subconscious mind again.... Ryan, don't come out when I'm (Rowan) blogging!! It's my turn!!
Hehe. That was my other self, Ryan. I'm Rowan. Ryan's my alter-ego.... Well, I'm his alter-ego, but he's boring, so I went outside and took over his consciousness for a while. This is my blog, not Ryan's. Everything written here is a product of (although we share one brain) my mind, not his.
Anyway, I think this is my subconscious mind's method of trying to move on and forget D-- whoops! Can't tell you who she is. Not without Ryan's permission.
So, I've had a few celebrity crushes in the past, like:

Danielle Panabaker, when she played "Leila", the nature girl on the movie "Sky High"

Hilary Duff, since her Lizzie Maguire days

And Angel Locsin, BEFORE she went to the other station. Ok, that was totally unexpected... But Miley just hit me like a giant, yellow, overspeeding schoolbus. She's all I could think of. Something's wrong with me.... Jeanelle, paano 'to ayusin? It's driving me crazy!!!! I need a psychologist....