At T.G.I. Friday's. See that cute little bear Cy's holding?
So, I've been ridin' the rollercoaster of life (what a cliche' metaphor) repeatedly these days. There has been a lot goin' on. This rollercoaster ride is looping too much, I think I'm gonna be sick.
Due to some circumstances, I wasn't able to blog. Here are the circumstances:
! - I've been busy moving our stuff from old house to new house
@ - I get to surf the net mostly at night
# - My sisters use the computer almost constantly (almost)
$ - Cyra's bestfriend, Annabelle, went to our house for a sleepover
% -the computer had viruses, so it's kinda hard to open them
^ - and my creativity pool is drying up frequently (maybe it's because of summer)
So, Joyce, hindi ako lagi makapost. You must understand the measures. Don't worry, I'll try to post more often. Especially since our graduation is near...
Here we go. Graduation.
Now, before I get sentimental, I'm warning you now
If ever you just don't like teenagers whining and going senti over things, please stop reading. But, remember, Rowan Zurich (wow, third person speak)rarely goes emotional over simple matters such as school.'Tis a one in a million chance, folks.
Graduation. Commencement Exercises (why is it an exercise? It's not remotely tiring, except of course for the teachers. Why not "ceremony" or "ritual" or "program"?). It's a way of saying, "It was nice teaching you. Now leave!" Lol. Kidding!
High school has done wonders on me. I've done a lot in my four years of high school. And I mean A LOT. From freshman to senior year, I've developed powers unknown to "those whose soul is stained by the blood of the innocent" (from the movie Ghost Rider. When Ghost Rider does the Penance Stare, he refers to his victims as this).
What is that power? Well, I'll tell you later. I want to build up the suspense. But first,
First year- The Creation:
As the name implies, first year is a year of firsts. I first learned Algebra. I first met Kevon and Brandon. I first had bestfriends who are loyal. I first had an archenemy. I first discovered THE POWER.
Freshman year was hard. I had to cope with a new school, a new surrounding, a new academic system, and a set of new principles. Fitting in was all I could think of. It was a breakthrough back then.
The Cheering competition was the first test of our (before, I only used "I". Now I use "our". Get the point?) skills and unity. Naturally, we won. Hahahahaha!!
Second year - The Downfall:
The Sophomore year was my worst year. The worst. The WORST. THE WORST!! Have I made my point?
I didn't only suffer in academics (that Statistics class is hell in school, but it's not because of my teacher, cool Sir Peter! He's great. The subject itself is what I hate) but also in relationships and spirituality. I'm in breakdown mode then.
I wanted the year to end so as to start again. And so it did end...
Third year - The Enlightenment:
Oh yeah!! This was my FUNKIEST YEAR EVER!! It's my best ("...so far.."- Homer Simpson) year in high school. I learned how to relate better. I learned to say sorry and also to forgive. and best of all, I LEARNED. Awesome!
So of course, I excelled this junior year. I became a constant medalist from beginning to end of the school year. I developed the skill of UNDERSTANDING. Yeah!
Fourth year- The Epilogue:
As high school ends (hey, high school never ends!), we get mature. We transform from bumbling teenagers to model men and women. Of course, we learned more, thanks to Sir Emboy and Ms. Anne.
We sealed our bond this year. We also started becoming role models. Duh. We're seniors. We TAKE THE LEAD. (so, we dance?)
Badaboom, baby! Senior year is almost over! It's just like yesterday that I got early in Atheneum for my first senior day. I guess time flies when you're having fun. and what fun it has been!
So I guess that's it. I think I should end this now...
Oh yeah, the power I nurtured these years. I forgot. Well, it's really simple, yet powerful. I don't know why tyrants and villains are not trying to acquire this power, since this is the power that gives us the strength generated by the will of many.
It is UNITY. The center of our self-esteem and comfort. Our batch has been bonded together in the name of success, peace, and the want to have someone to lean on. When one falls, everyone makes the fallen get up. We are an army. We are INVINCIBLE!!! As the Three Musketeers put it, "all for one, one for all!" That's what drives us to do better. That's what makes us strong. Because if you're all out of power, you can be sure that others will support you. And best of all, we made great relationships these years that can make our unity everlasting.
Well, I think that's already good. I gotta end this. It's late in the evening already. Yawn...
Rowan out.