haay, nako..... kelan pa ba???
We've started moving. Because of that, we didn't decorate our house here in cavite. Maybe that's why i can't feel it......
So i've decided to make my wish list this Christmas....
It's tradition in our family to make wishlists before Christmas.... as if it gets granted every year. We have to put it by what we want the most.
So, here's mine top 10:
10. Obi-Wan's blue lightsaber
i wanted one since i was a child. I have one, but it's fake. I want the real toy, with matching sound effects and light!! I've seen one in Toy Kingdom.....
9. Marvel Ultimate Alliance game for PSP
when i first played it in my cousin's PSP, i never stopped until they left! now that i have my own PSP, i want one, too, although i might also get this when i get a new Memory stick.
8. another retreat
I guess my classmates will agree, right?! Another retreat, preferably with Fr. Anton again, would be nice.
7. vacation abroad
taking time off with my family would also be nice..... one of my life goals are actually to visit every Disneyland in the world... haha, fat chance. I've only been to Hongkong disneyland, so that's only one in a lot.....
6. PS3
everyone wants one. This wish is impossible, though, since dad alread bought me my PSP, so nada.
5. Yugi-Oh! Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgement
yeah, i'm a collector and player. Everyone says laos na yun, but i don't exactly go with the flow anyway.... this specific deck would make my deck invincible!!!! MUHAHAHAHA!! Take that, Vincent!!
4. Memory Stick Pro Duo (4GB)
need it for my PSP to download games!!!! Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Tekken Dark Ressurrection, and other games will be mine!!!
3. new glasses
my current one is defective..... and my eyesight is getting worse...... damn myself!!
2. to see ALL my cousins again
we really haven't seen each other since the family feud started, and that was a long time ago, and some of my cousins are abroad...... a reunion would make my Christmas very merry.....
1. the love of my life to love me as well
I love her, but she hates me. 'Nuff said.
....... whining again.......
I really hope wish #1 comes true....... but it seems so unlikely....
Ah well. That's life.....
i actually have Marvel Ultimate Alliance. i dislike fighting games though. if you want to have it, you can download it off the internet at any torrent site. just google it. ;)