Now Playing: “Boys Do Fall In Love” by Parokya ni Edgar
In all these tracks, there was almost no mention that I “fell in love”. Well, that part of the playlist has a rather painful edge to it, and so it’s very painful.
When I was a kid, I didn’t believe in cooties. I learned about romantic relationships at an early age. As such, I had crushes even since I was a kid.
My first crush was named Josyne. She is the daughter of one of Dad’s friends. Every time I saw her, I act all goofy and idiotic. Mind you, this was at the age of about 6 or 8. But I guess this was all puppy love, since I was still very young then.
I then encountered a form of confusion. I next had a crush on not one, not two, but three girls at the same time. They were Alyssa, my neighbor and childhood friend, Rochelle, my sister’s childhood best friend, and Em-Em, my prep school seatmate. Again, at a young age, I was confronted with men’s tendency to become unfaithful to just one girl. But being the principle-centered kid that I was, I did not completely befriend them all to avoid the awkwardness. However, in my mind, there was still confusion.
And then I met Angelica in the third grade. When I first saw her, BAM! No more crushes on the other three. I began to imagine a lot of stuff about us. I guess she was my real first love. I was really lucky then, because she was my seatmate. Ah, how I remember her porcelain skin, her cute dimpled smile when she asks me what our teacher said, and her silky black hair that was all I could see when she sleeps on our desk. She was so kind to me. There was one time that she cried in class, and she leaned her head on my shoulder. However, I never told her that I had an intense crush on her, because I thought that we were too young. I never saw her again after the third grade. Up until now, I still dream about her, but as I grew older, her image became more blurred. I still yearn for her, and I still keep wishing I knew where she was.
I still had a hangover from Angelica’s departure when I met Karla in the fifth grade. She was the muse of the class, and she was the girl both Angelo and I had a crush on. Doing a martyr act, I put all my efforts in forgetting about her. It worked. However, she became Angelo’s seatmate, and she was just behind me. That was the time Angelo became obnoxious and rude to me. He also became rather rude to Karla. Since she needed someone to talk to, she talked to me. I took care in talking to her, believing that I would betray my best friend had I ignited my crush for her. I didn’t want to do that even though Angelo’s mean to me. And so passes another girl.
Come the sixth grade, I joined the Division School’s Press Conference and Contest. When I went in training, I met Princess. This was my first “love-at-first-sight”. But this crush was short-lived, because I found out from my friends that Princess wasn’t really good for me. Still, when she became my partner for the graduation cotillion, I was thrilled. But, as I said, short-lived.